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Centre national d'etudes spatiales cnes
Control the microstructure of plasma sprayed coatings
The present invention allows the control of the microstructure of the plasma sprayed coatings. It consists mainly of a selective filtering of the least energy droplets and a selective determination of system settings related to a specific microstructure.
MoreMaîtrise de la microstructure des revêtements
La présente invention permet la maîtrise de la microstructure des revêtements. Elle consiste principalement en un filtrage sélectif des gouttelettes les moins énergétiques et en la détermination des paramètres du système sélectif lié à une microstructure spécifique.
En savoir plusCentre national d'etudes spatiales cnes
Mécanisme de pointage d'antenne
L’invention concerne un mécanisme tripode compact permettant un pointage rapide et précis. Son mécanisme à architecture parallèle et sa commande de pilotage innovants garantissent des trajectoires contrôlées et sans blocage.
En savoir plusCentre national d'etudes spatiales cnes
Robust gyroscopic system using six actuators
Highly robust configuration using 6 actuators for satellite and articulated arm with innovative control method. The invention deals with the use of a configuration using 6 gyroscopic actuators for control processes and devices: - Arms redundant manipulators used in robotics, - Clusters of gyroscopic actuators used for satellite attitude control. It allows to be more robust than traditional configurations using 4 actuators.
MoreSystème d’actionneurs gyroscopiques robuste à six éléments
Configuration très robustes à 6 actionneurs pour satellite et bras articulés avec procédé de commande innovant. L’invention propose l’utilisation d’une configuration en grappes de 6 actionneurs gyroscopiques pour les procédés et dispositifs de pilotage de: - Bras manipulateurs redondants utilisés en robotique, - Grappes d’actionneurs gyroscopiques utilisés pour le contrôle d’attitude de satellites. Elle permet d’être plus robuste que les configurations traditionnelles à 4 actionneurs.
En savoir plusCentre national d'etudes spatiales cnes
Contribution to the design of tunable multiplexers
The invention is to add control components that perform the frequency flexibility function while not degrading the electrical performance of the filters within the multiplexers.
MoreApport à la conception de multiplexeurs accordables
L’invention consiste à ajouter des éléments de réglage réalisant la fonction de flexibilité en fréquence tout en ne dégradant pas les performances électriques des filtres au sein des multiplexeurs.
En savoir plusEtablissement francais du sang
Delta-cd20: new biomarker for diagnosis applications
The EFS inventors established a novel CD20 alternative mRNA coding for truncated protein of 15-17 Kda (DELTA-CD20) lacking large parts of the transmembrane segments. This protein is expressed at various levels in malignancies B-cells and is absent in normal B cells isolated from healthy donors. This data show that truncated protein CD20 could be used as a molecular marker for diagnosis, prognostic and monitoring B-cell malignant diseases. Moreover the EFS inventors show that DELTA-CD20 expression is associated to RTX resistance. DELTA-CD20 protein is a potential target for treatment of B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders.
MoreEtablissement francais du sang
Rapid diagnostic test for genotyping
This invention concerns a radid test for the multiplex and visual detection genotyping of PCR products directly amplified from biological samples. This multiplex test allows simultaneous identification of several SNP alleles in a single reaction. This rapid test doesn’t require nucleic acid extraction steps of the biological sample, purification and denaturation of the amplified products. The proof-of-concept was achieved on human erythrocyte antigens of DUFFY, MNS and KIDD blood group systems by the simultaneous identification of blood group SNPs.
MoreEtablissement francais du sang
Hla-g: a new molecule for bone resorption treatment
The inventors showed that HLA-G molecule blocks osteoclastogenesis and promotes bone formation. Data suggest that HLA-G isoform can be used for treatment or prevention of bone resorption like osteoporosis.
MoreEtablissement francais du sang
Injectable solution for cells preservation
Solution which preserves the quality / quantity and the functionality of cells during at least 48 hours at 4°C. Proof of the concept examples: Ex-vivo expanded CD34+ cord blood cells (most vulnerable cells) were stored at 4°C in two media: 4 % of Human Serum Albumin (HAS 4%) and Injectable solution (SEC).
MoreEtablissement francais du sang
An innovative procedure for preserving cells, tissues or organs in hypothermia
A conservation improves the cells survival and maintains functional capacities of cells, tissues and organs without freezing step. This procedure improves the quality of graft. This procedure involves a pre-incubation of cells, in moderate hypothermia, under an hypoxic and/or hypercapnic atmosphere, before being transferred into strict hypothermia.
MoreEtablissement francais du sang
Innovative diagnostic tools for nucleid acid detection based on ultrasensitive polythiol probes
Development of robust polythiol probes which can be efficiently immobilized in a stable way on : • Maleimide-activated microplates (ELOSA) • Electrodes (gold, diamond.....) • Magnetic/micro/nanoparticles These formats are compatible with both optical and electrochemical detection. These innovative molecular tools increased strongly the performances of analytical systems.
Méthode d'analyse de l'activité cérébrale
RTConTrack est une méthode d'analyse et de comparaison des processus cognitifs cérébraux explorés en IRM. La méthode d’analyse est basée sur des mesures anatomiques et fonctionnelles réalisées chez les sujets, de façon individuelle, et permet de déterminer avec précision les zones cérébrales impliquées dans la réalisation de tâches cognitives. Cela est possible par la construction d’une « cartographie GPS » du fonctionnement cérébral basée sur l’étude en pseudo temps réel de la connectomique structurale (fibres de substance blanche extraites par Tractographie Automatisée) et fonctionnelle (zones de substances grises activées au cours d’une tache cognitive spécifique).
En savoir plusAphp
Composé destiné au traitement des douleurs abdominales fonctionnelles
La technologie proposée est un nouveau traitement des douleurs abdominales fonctionnelles. Il a été démontré que l’utilisation du composé permettrait la prévention et le traitement de ces douleurs chez l’adulte, mais également chez l’enfant. Le produit a déjà été administré à deux enfants qui présentaient ce type de douleur, sans qu’aucun élément pathologique particulier n’ait été décelé. L’administration journalière du composé, à différentes doses, a permis la disparition totale des douleurs chez ces deux patients.
En savoir plusAphp
Assessment of malignancy and prediction of efficacy of treatment of tumours
The proposed solution is an objective method for prognosis of a cancer based on the analysis of a virtual slide (from a solid tumour specimen) by a software program. Using a machine learning algorithm, 3 patterns emerged from linear quantification of lymphocytes of 117 patients. For example, the relative risk of relapse at 5 years is 16 if you have the pattern 3 (compared to the pattern 1). This technique is more reliable and more rapid than current ones and rounds out the present anatomicopathology methods to clarify the prognosis derived from the TNM classification. It will enable the assessment of the risk of postoperative recurrence, sensitivity to the various anti-tumour treatments and also the risk for metastases to develop
Endoscopic intraluminal device for morbid obesity and diabetes treatment
The technology is an endoscopic intraluminal device implanted temporarily. The structure of the device allows a double action by restricting the quantity ingested (intra gastric balloon effect) and also limiting bolus absorption (duodeno-jejunal bypass liner effect). The device implantation is suitable for ambulatory surgery, which reduces duration of hospitalization and health care costs for patients.
Room of illumination for raman spectroscopy
Analytical Quality Control aims at guaranteeing the parameters, identity, purity and concentration of the molecules of interest. In hospital pharmacies, manufactured products can be expensive or need specific precautions of use (e.g. chemotherapies). In general, the devices used for quality control present many drawbacks in terms of waste of time and materials, of samples loss of integrity or of exposure of medical staff to hazardous compounds. The invention allows the accurate analysis of solid samples or liquid in plastic or glass containers. The use of such device avoids any product loss and contamination of the technicians.
Utilisation du cannabis médical (sativex®) dans la dégénérescence neuronale de l’oesophage (achalasie)
L’achalasie est une dégénérescence inflammatoire neuronale causant des troubles de la motilité de l’oesophage (dysphagie, régurgitations, perte de poids importante). Aucun traitement médicamenteux (myorelaxants) n’a prouvé son efficacité et les alternatives thérapeutiques sont invasives et peu efficaces. Nous proposons une nouvelle indication pour le cannabis médical (Sativex ®) dans la gestion des symptômes physiques de l’achalasie. En effet, il a des propriétés pharmacologiques anti-spastiques qui pourraient améliorer la relaxation du sphincter inférieur de l’oesophage à la déglutition.
En savoir plusAphp
Ciseaux de fenestration endovasculaires
La dissection de l’aorte thoraco-abdominale est une pathologie grave, engageant le pronostic vital des patients à court et long terme. L’incidence est d’environ 1% avec un taux de mortalité de 50% dans les 48 premières heures. Elle se caractérise par une déchirure au niveau de la paroi interne de l’aorte permettant au sang de s’engouffrer entre les feuillets superposés constituant cette paroi, ce qui conduit à la formation d’un 2ème chenal, parallèle à la lumière de l’aorte. Parfois, une seconde déchirure, éloignée de la première permet au sang de ressortir et de rejoindre le vrai chenal (aorte). Il en résulte une mauvaise perfusion des artères irriguant les organes et les membres inférieurs. Les stratégies thérapeutiques mises en œuvre visent soit à fermer la brèche en introduisant une endoprothèse, soit à déchirer le « flap » séparant les deux chenaux. Cette 2ème technique est appelée fenestration. Le recours à ces techniques se révèle parfois impossible (existence d’autres portes d’entrée, rigidification du « flap » suite au développement d’un tissu fibreux cicatriciel…) ou imprécis (le geste de la fenestration est peu maîtrisé par le praticien qui travaille, malgré le suivi radioscopique, « à l’aveugle »). Il est donc nécessaire de proposer un dispositif permettant d’élargir les indications des actes de chirurgie endovasculaire.
En savoir plusAphp
New biodegradable anti-migration intestinal stent
In the US, nearly 1,5 million patients suffer from Crohn’s disease. The most common complication is digestive stenosis (50% of patients). If the stenosis measures less than 5 centimeters, an endoscopic dilatation is possible. However, it is associated with relapse rates of 30 to 50 % at 1-3 years. In this case, the patient undergoes another endoscopic dilatation or sometimes a bowel resection. The use of covered expandable metallic prostheses (used for malignant obstructions) could enhance the long-term efficacy of endoscopic dilatation. However, this solution is currently not possible, due to a high rate of uncontrolled migration (30 to 80% of cases). Our solution is a new stent with an original anti-migration design.
Device for measuring the length of a stenosis
Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) affect around 1.6 million Americans and represent a sales market worth $5.6 billion worldwide. Intestinal inflammation often results in stenosis, for which a classic treatment is surgical resection. However, surgical resection is a drastic option ; if the stenosis is located on a zone accessible to endoscopy, it can be treated alternatively by dilatation, using an endoscope coupled with a balloon catheter. This method can be inefficient if the stenosis is too long. Therefore, measuring the length of the stenosis prior to dilatation is crucial for choosing the most appropriate shape and dimensions of the balloon. Another treatment is a stent placement that also requires measuring the length of the stenosis so as to choose a well-suited stent. Currently, measurements of stenosis length is often inaccurate and result in inappropriate dimensions of the balloon catheter or the stent. We propose a new endoscopic medical device for measuring precisely the length of a stenosis in inflammatory bowel diseases.
Method for increasing the pool of ngn3+ endocrine progenitor cells and pancreatic endocrine cell mass
Controlling glycemia with insulinotherapy is a challenge that diabetic patients face every day. Moreover, insulinotherapy is not a curative therapy by any means. This line of treatment is only palliative and presents many limitations for the fine control of blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can result in serious damages to the eyes, nerves and kidneys of diabetic patients. However, pancreatic islets transplantation provides an alternative therapeutic option that would make perfect control of glycemia possible. As such, pancreatic cell therapy is an appropriate and effective solution for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The technology relies on the ability of K-ATP channels to regulate the secretion of insulin and the differentiation of α and β pancreatic cell. The technology is a method of cell therapy that involves in vitro stem cell differentiation into endocrine pancreatic cells. The stem cell differentiation is triggered by glibenclamide, a K-ATP channel inhibitor.
MoreFist sa
Enabeling/facilitating trans-cutaneous delivery of active material
Efficient trans-cutaneous delivery of active molecules is still a challenge due to the nature itself of the dermal tissue. The permeabibility of therapeutic agents can be improved by permeability agents but most of the induced delivery mechanisms induce irreversible skin alterations. We present here an original strategy consisting in using the active molecule itself to parcicipate into ist own trans-cutaneous transport, while protecting solubilizing and delivering it to its active site.
MoreFist sa
Natural compounds activating sirt1 for the cellulite treatment
The sirtuin family concerns nuclear NAD+ dependant deacetylases, playing an important role in deacetylation of histones. Sirtuin 1 is the best known situin. It is involved in an important number of metabolic processes. It has several target as p53, FoxO, PPAR gamma, PGC1 alpha, UCP2, LXR and Ku70, key regulating proteins in cell functions. Sirt1 has a global anti-aging effect. The Sirt1 expression decreases along the lifetime. Sirt1 has also a role in adipogenesis and lipid accumaltions. The lipolysis is increased by activating Sirt1 activity.
MoreFist sa
Low energy consumption backery oven
Bread baking requires a large quantity of energy – roughly 2 to 5 Mjoules /kg that is 2 to 3 times higher than the energy required for the same mass of a food product in the form of canned food for example. Furthermore food habits are changing in the world : we see in most European countries a decreasing consumption of bakery products at home while the consumption of bakery products outside home increases significantly. This market trend is supported by specific technologies such as partial baking of bread which are refreshed (second baking) in baking stations or in restaurants. There is thus a need to develop low energy demanding equipments.
MoreFist sa
Compounds for the treatment of mitochondrial diseases
The present invention relates to the isolation and development of drugs to treat mitochondrial pathologies involving a deficiency in ATP production via the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, such as NARP syndrome. NARP (Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis Pigmentosa) is a maternally transmitted hereditary syndrome characterized by retarded development, and accompanied by retinitis pigmentosa (RP), dementia, ataxia, proximal neurological muscle weakness and sensory neuropathies. The clinical manifestations are varied and can take more or less severe forms. Thus, the ophthalmic manifestations can range from a simple "salt and pepper" changing of the retina to severe RP, accompanied by maculopathy. Similarly, there is a broad 15 spectrum of neurological manifestations, which ranges from simple migraines to severe dementia and to "Leigh's disease". Many retinitis pigmentosa related syndromes exist, such as Usher's syndrome in which both the sight and the hearing are affected, or else macular dystrophy, also called inverse RP.
MoreFist sa
Protein involved in dna replication, and modulation of its activity
Although DNA replication is a vital process for cell growth and its mechanism is highly conserved, recent studies also reveal significant diversity in origin structure, assembly of pre-replication complex (pre-RC) and regulation of replication initiation along evolutionary lines. It is crucial to maintain genomic integrity in eukaryotic cells. During DNA replication, errors in pre-RC assembly often result in substantial changes in the amount of genetic material, which will cause cell death, or transform cells to become malignant tumors. The first origin recognition complex (ORC) proteins were purified from cell extracts as a heterohexameric complex that specifically binds to origins of DNA replication and the subunits were named Orc1 through Orc6.
MoreFist sa
One step in-situ graphene oxide reduction in composite
It is well known that electrical or thermal properties of graphene are of importance in composites for applications like anti-static composites, biomedical, organic electronics, sensors… but the mixing of graphene in polymers is not easy. It has thus been proposed to mix graphene oxide (GO), a graphene derivative which by contrast to neat graphene can be easily processed, with the organic matrix and then to reduce it. This reduction step is performed to restore, at least partially, the properties of graphene. It has a critical influence on the properties of the final material. One reduction route is to heat the composite in order to reduce the GO in rGO but the maximum temperature is limited due to the organic matrix. Other ways like exposition to hydrazine hydrate at 100°C 24h, H2 plasma or IR xenon flash lamp have been proposed. Each of these having detrimental influence on the final composite and none of these allowing to efficiently restore the graphene properties.
MoreFist sa
Packaging with two-color visual effect for decoration or identification
Packaging constitutes an important vehicle for the image of a brand. We propose to produce thin films having bichromatic properties that can be deposited on any transparent or translucent substrate (glass, ceramic, polymer .. ) , the two-color effect being not dependent on the angle of observation.
MoreFist sa
Nanpoparticles synthesis
Nanopowders are of great interest due to their specific properties. There are various production routes but quality of the powders ie composition, size and size distribution, crystallography… may vary from one another.
MoreEcole polytechnique
Java implementation of rpl, ipv6 routing protocol for low power and lossy networks
This software is a Java implementation of the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) [RFC6550], intended for performance evaluation by way of network simulations. RPL is a protocol for routing in low-power lossy networks, also often called “sensor networks”. While this protocol implementation is intended for use with the network simulator ns2, it is independent (contains no code from ns2) and can be adapted to run also on any JVM.
MoreEcole polytechnique
Epitaxie dans un réacteur pecvd standard a basse température (200°c)
Les procédés de fabrication de couches minces pour les dépôts grande surface et la réalisation des composants pour la microélectronique ont suivi des voies très différentes jusqu’à présent. Pour les semi-conducteurs, les matériaux doivent généralement être cristallins, le plus parfaits possible; leurs procédés de fabrication nécessitent souvent des conditions expérimentales extrêmes : un vide poussé (~10-8–10-10 mbar) en MBE, et des températures élevées (600 - 800 °C) en MOCVD ; ils sont donc plutôt couteux. Au contraire, l’électronique grande surface (écrans plats par exemple) s’est développée grâce aux procédés de dépôt de couches minces de silicium amorphe produites à plus basse température (200 °C) en présence d’un plasma (PECVD) sur de plus grandes surfaces (~m2). Est-ce possible de réconcilier aujourd’hui les deux voies de production de couches minces et leur qualité. Peut-on produire des films de matériaux cristallins au prix des matériaux amorphes ?
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